There is a certain national high street electronics chain whose recommendation for a slow running laptop is “Buy another one from us!” – DON’T.
When your computer is running slowly the causes may be due a number of factors. For example, there may be unwanted software working on your PC in the background taking up your processor’s power and using your memory. Or the laptop may need a slight upgrade. Or other reasons.
Before going to the expensive of buying a new laptop why not talk to us. A free, over the counter examination of your laptop and a chat about what you need it to do will shed some light on why it is slow. In many cases a bit of work on your current laptop will see you back up to speed with less inconvenience and for less cost. What’s not to like.
We can also just give your computer operating system a service. We will clean your unit from unwanted software, switch off annoying options and tweak settings to optimise performance.